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Snap, Crackle, CRUNCH!
I like to think of myself as a super duper crunchy mama… with tons of caramel on top. No really though. I decided that I wanted to major in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management while I was taking a few general education courses. I was taking a Biology course because it was required for my “dream career” as an OB/GYN. Those of you who know me are probably laughing at the irony in this. This was long before I had my daughter.
So any who, back on the ranch, my Biology instructor really got me into endangered species and how what we are doing to the environment is affecting them. I then started doing research on my own time and began to learn about our affects on the environment. I became extremely interested in environmental sciences and changed my major. This was the beginning of my extra crispy crunch I now have.
I am super green… probably neon highlighter green. Not only do I care about the environment, but I also care about my family’s health. I am green in probably every aspect there is. Now, you don’t see me outside when it’s ten below, riding my bicycle to make toast. I am definitely not an extremist like Ed. Compared to most, you would probably think I am an extremist. I buy things with no toxic chemicals or finishes. I buy milk based paints with no VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). I buy organic and locally grown food. I prefer to always buy organic over local. I would rather not ingest the chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides and I most certainly do not want my daughter eating that crap either.
I bought all of her clothes and toys from garage sales for two reasons. For one, all of the items would have already off-gassed and two, I am re-using which also is good for the environment. By the way, off-gassing is the release of chemicals into the air. For example, that horrible smell when you paint is chemicals being released into the air. That “new car” smell most love so much is also off-gassing.
I have always wanted my very own garden, but we rent a townhouse. I have a yard the size of your dining room table. Sad, I know, but soon I will have my own place. I hope to have an organic farm and sell at Farmer’s Markets. I also dream of composting. One day I will have my very own compost. That would truly bring a smile to my face.
I recycle everything. Literally! Even if it is the tiniest piece of scratch paper, I still recycle it. I find myself spending countless hours while cleaning and sorting through all of my papers and plastics, making sure that I recycle everything that can be. So when I spend so much time sorting this (there is no reason that you shouldn’t spend the time to sort) all to find that the hubs stuck my recycling bag in the garbage, of course I am going to be a little heated about it. It is one of my biggest pet peeves. Next to our garbage in the kitchen is another bin for recycling. RIGHT NEXT TO THE GARBAGE! I always am digging through the garbage and taking out the recyclables and putting them in their “proper” bin. It drives me crazy that people don’t recycle, even though the bin is right there. I was taught in elementary school (almost twenty years ago) that you are supposed to recycle. Why is it so hard for people to comprehend.
When in college, they spent a heavy penny on these neat sort systems. They are all over the campus and have a spot for paper, plastic/glass and waste. Daily I would see people sticking their recycling in the waste bin, even though the recycle bin was RIGHT next to the waste. GRRRRRR!!! What is wrong with people? I can’t possibly blame it on laziness. There is just no way. The bins are sitting right next to each other!
All of my friends and family think I am “over the top”. I beg to differ. There is no way I am. It’s not hard, nor do I spend any more energy than they do throwing their recyclables away in the trash. I recycle so much, that I would rather have recycling come every week like the trash and have the trash come every other week like the recycling.
So next time you go to throw away that one piece of paper or that soda can… RECYCLE! Think if everyone in the world threw away just one paper a day…. That shit adds up!
Sing it with me “Recycle, recycle, recycle!”
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Until tomorrow… peace & love!
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